The Matthews Group (TMG) Studio Store is not for the faint of heart or those in need of a 'curated' experience.  It exists only as a creative outlet for the far ranging and diverse interest of Owner/Creative Director Drew Matthews and the TMG design team.  It will be most inviting to those with a sense of humor, a joy for discovery and a sense of design both serious and whimsical.

The core business of The Matthews Group is marketing, advertising and branding for a small list of clients.  In between (which is a tiny, tiny sliver of time) the Creative Director Drew Matthews sketches out often non-sensical ideas as brand, design and experiential experiments to suit his personal tastes and interests for that day.  These designs and concepts sometimes make it to development stage in small runs for the use of the TMG creative team and a few friends.  What is left over, (yes, we said leftover) is put for sale on the studio floor to either gather dust or inspire the casual dropper by or even the daring online shopper.  Then we make some more stuff.

Customer service is spotty at best.  We are an ad agency doing our thing for clients first and foremost after all.  But on the occasion that there is time for a conversation or a chance to sit down a moment with the rare customer, the interactions can be uplifting and mutually interesting. On the other hand a severe depression may set in.  You're at your own risk.

There is a propensity for the TMG Studio Store aesthetic to orient towards the unpretentious and straight forward.  But we can't guarantee that or much of anything else in life.

So there you go.  You've been warned.  We look forward to meeting you - or not.

Drew Matthews