FilmCrew Pocket Pal
TMG Design Studio

Filmcrew Pro Pocket Pal
We spend a lot of time on the set and know that to create truly great cinematic experiences, YouTube giants and other visual ephemera you need gear. Lots and lots of gear. Plus, an abundant memory for 'gripology', the secret set language that separates stingers from extension cords and keeps interlopers and wannabes at a safe distance.
Now you can carry the exact same, behind-the-scenes, notebook that resides in the most revered of movie set pockets - The Official Filmcrew Pro Pocket Pal. Never mind that virtually nobody uses pen and paper anymore, on the set in places like the deep rainforest, you can't count on electronic wizardry; you need the real deal - graphite on paper. That's why the official Filmcrew Pro Pocket Pal has become the timeless accessory for our crew and almost nobody else. But now it can be yours, too.
(because the tiny things make the biggest difference on set).
• Dimensions: made the exact dimensions to fit a pocket: 3.5"W X 5.5"H.
• Cover Paper: sturdy, unembellished, brown kraft paper with those fleck fiber things in it that goes by the name Speckletone. Weight 80#cover. 100% recycled.
• Ink Lineage: made from free-ranging, all-natural soys that are petted and sung to daily by unemployed film set soy wranglers.
• Ink Color: flag cutter black. No reflections here, just cosmic black hole darkness.
• Interior Paper: Classic Crest. Weight 70# text. Color: recycled bright white.
• Staple: two, silver color, top-of-the-line staple staples.
• Corners: exactly 1/4" radius, smoother than the rear quarter panel lines on a Porsche 930 Turbo.
• Letterpress Printing: extravagantly printed using a genuine letterpress, with triple thick deboss.
• American Made: to be more geographically accurate, printed just 90 miles from TMG studio world headquarters. And to be completely transparent, if we ever get our remote Pacific Island open-air studio location up and running, we'll probably print some just down the beach from our palm tree hut.
• Word wrangling.
• Sketchy things.
• List of producers you never want to be seen on set with.
• Focal length remembrances.
• Funny dolly cart moments.
• Gifts to people that you want to look cool, too.
• Important movie, film, video type things.
• Panavision lenses you have known and loved.
• Favorite craft services carts.
• Surfboard camera aperture and shutter speed settings.
• Arri sticker holder.
• Jobs you lost to slacker, work-for-free, producer's kid.
• How to wrap cable over, then under.
• Cameo appearances by overhead shotgun mic.
• And much, much more.
Available in one decorator color and one size.
They're notebooks. Geez.